Nightlife Vibes

Experience the wild ambience and stunning crowd at Brassery Club.

Customer Reviews

Experience the wild ambience and fun at Brassery Club in Surabaya.

Sering ke club tapi ga ada yang seperti ini! Harus pada nyobain kalian semua, kalau datang Surabaya pasti mampir!

Juphen Setyono
A dimly lit nightclub scene with two silhouetted DJs standing behind a console, surrounded by vibrant red and blue stage lights. The background features a series of spotlights and a light fog filling the space, creating a lively and energetic atmosphere.
A dimly lit nightclub scene with two silhouetted DJs standing behind a console, surrounded by vibrant red and blue stage lights. The background features a series of spotlights and a light fog filling the space, creating a lively and energetic atmosphere.


Mau cari Happy? Mau cari Teman? Ke Brassery aja!! Tempatnya pas di tengah kota Surabaya, harga OK, suasana OK, semuanya OK pokoknya! Bakal Langganan kesini terus.

A dimly lit club scene with a DJ silhouetted against a bright red backdrop. The room is filled with people enjoying the atmosphere, and various speakers and lights are visible.
A dimly lit club scene with a DJ silhouetted against a bright red backdrop. The room is filled with people enjoying the atmosphere, and various speakers and lights are visible.

